
Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Winston Churchill
Jun 2024

Personal Profile Statement

It is my pleasure to introduce myself. Well, I am Irfan Nurhidayat. I was born and raised in Majalengka, West Java, Indonesia. Furthermore, I am persistent, can work in a team, and always try to get things done. I like reading autobiographies of successful people and photography. Apart from that, I also enjoy learning about business and scientific technology related to my research interest. Because I believe those will make me successful in my academic career, I will broaden my horizons in other areas.

My family always supports me regardless of my current condition. It makes me more excited to reach my goals and to make them proud. My greatest strengths are my personality and abilities. I am sociable and like to help someone in need. For any condition or problem that I experience, I am always optimistic that I can solve it. My family has always taught me to be responsible and independent. I believe I can use it to develop my abilities.

Maybe that is just the thing about me. Thank you for being willing to read it.

My CV is available here.

Career Objective

My academic career objectives are the fervent desire to foster a culture of innovation and discovery. I believe that academia is the crucible where new ideas are forged and tested. I aim to engage in research that not only advances the boundaries of our understanding but also brings tangible benefits to society. To achieve this, I will work diligently to publish in esteemed journals, participate in thought-provoking conferences, and collaborate with fellow researchers to tackle the most pressing global challenges.

Teaching is a transformative endeavor that molds the minds of the future. I aspire to be an educator who not only imparts knowledge but inspires critical thinking, curiosity, and a lifelong pursuit of knowledge. Through my teaching, I aim to cultivate the next generation of leaders, innovators, and problem solvers. My mentorship extends beyond the classroom, where I will guide and support students in their personal and intellectual journeys, helping them reach their full potential.

In an increasingly interconnected world, I am committed to active participation in interdisciplinary collaborations. Securing research funding is essential to propel the academic journey forward. As my academic journey evolves, I see myself in leadership roles within academic institutions. Serving as a department chair, dean, or in other administrative positions, I aspire to contribute to the growth and development of my academic community. Through leadership, I hope to create an environment of collaboration, innovation, and excellence.

My academic career objectives are not static; they are adaptable, growing, and evolving as I progress in my journey. I eagerly anticipate the exciting and fulfilling career ahead. Through the pursuit of research excellence, effective teaching, interdisciplinary collaboration, contributions to society, and global recognition, I hope to illuminate the path for others and make a meaningful mark in the academic realm.

My teaching philosophy is available here.

Current Professional Appointments

Northern University of Malaysia, Changlun, Malaysia
June 1, 2024 – Present
Placement: International Senior Lecturer, School of Quantitative Sciences.

Past Professional Appointments

University of Economics and Pedagogy, Karshi, Uzbekistan
March 18-27, 2024
Placement: Junior Researcher Fellow, Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of Scientific and Pedagogical Staff.


King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok, Thailand
August 2, 2021 – August 23, 2023
Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics. Full university scholarship for Ph.D. researchers. Honors cum laude of GPA 4.00/4.00 with outstanding.

University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
February 24, 2020 – September 22, 2020
Ph.D. degree in Mathematics. Full university scholarship for Ph.D. researchers. Incomplete due to C19 in Lombardy.

National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei City, Taiwan
September 11, 2017 – June 28, 2019
M.S. degree in Mathematics. This degree was validated in Indonesia in 2019. Partial university scholarship for two years. Honors cum laude of GPA 3.88/4.00.

Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
September 3, 2012 – November 22, 2016
B.Sc. degree in Mathematics. Honors cum laude of GPA 3.65/4.00. The best graduate of the Department of Mathematics and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Credentials and Certifications

Thiagarajar School of Management, Madurai, India
December 5-9, 2022
Certificate of Participation: The Faculty Development Programme on First Step into World.

Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka
in association with Emerald Publishing and Gulf Medical University.
September 1 – October 6, 2022
Certificate of Attendance Sections 4-7: Research Mentoring Programme 2022.

IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia
July 22, 2022
Certificate: Research Methodology and How to Publish A Good Quality Journal Article.

Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria
March 5, 2022
Certificate: Researcher Focus Group on Leadership Development, Skills and Opportunities.
My certificate is available here.

Taylor’s University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia
February 26, 2021
Course Certificate: Theorising and Research Methods in Management Research.

Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia, Parit Raja, Malaysia
February 20, 2021
Certificate of Participation: Data Analysis Using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Current Research

  • Applied Mathematics.
  • Support Vector Machine.
  • R Programming.

Research Profiles

Mathematical and Statistical Software Packages

  • Good knowledge of LaTeX.
  • Good knowledge of programming with R.


  • EURAXESS Bulgaria.
    • Membership/Role: Mentoring Program.
    • Member since: February 2021.


  • Mother Tongue: Indonesian, Sundanese.
  • Academic Level: English.